Depression In Adolescents and Adults
Depression is a condition we may all experience at the low points in our lives or brought about by an unexpected major life event or loss. The stress and confusion these can create, may become overwhelming and mentally draining. It is important to recognize and attend to these feelings, especially when they last more than two weeks and you begin to exhibit symptoms.
Anxiety In Adults and Adolescents
If you are living with anxiety, come and learn some tools to ease and decrease episodes in a safe and comfortable space.
Grief and Bereavement Ages 5-125
Grief, Bereavement and Mourning are ways we feel loss, experience death, and celebrate loved ones through rituals. These feelings, experiences and memorializing cut across spirituality and cultures. We are all human, and death is a human experience. Self-care is how we muddle through on one side and honor on the other.
LGBTGEQIAP+ and Gender Affirming Care and Support
All Pronouns Welcome! My pronouns are she/her and I am delighted to offer services to the Trans, non-binary, and LGBGEQQIAP+ populations. This time we spend is all about your journey which we will explore together. The therapy I find most effective is called ACT, Acceptance and Commitment therapy. It's not about changing who you are or fitting into what are considered norms; ACT focuses upon learning to accept thoughts, feelings and action urges and how they get you closer to what you value most.
Adoption, Fostering and Aging Out
If you are an adoptive parent, an adoptee, a foster, or approaching aging out, that can be scary. Sometimes when you lose your supports, you can feel abandoned, alone, disconnected--If that is where you are, don't give up hope. Seeking professional help is a step forward. It takes skill, guidance and experience to be a "grown-up" and do "adulting", you are not supposed to know it all. If you reach out, we will reach back. Consider coming to counseling.
Parent-Child Therapeutic Support
Some children struggle with low self-esteem, academic failure, and retention. Therapeutic support via family therapy may be a valuable resource. Children become more academically engaged in learning when they receive wrap-around support. Our most precious gifts are well worth the time and effort.
Student Athletes-College and Career Prep
Don't settle. Put in the Work. Get on your Grind and be willing to Sacrifice. The key word is Options...put yourself in a position to have them. Make sure you are marketable and problem-free. All you do now will impact what you will be able to do later. -Get that degree!
Psychoeducational Counseling and Consulting
College and Career Advising Sessions
⦿ ASVAB-Armed Force ⦿ ACT Exam ⦿ SAT Scale ⦿ Resume Writing
Students and Student Athlete Eligibility
⦿ NCAA Division Information ⦿ FAFSA Dates and Deadlines ⦿ Scholarships
Educational Consulting-Schools and Parents
⦿ Mini-Workshops for H.S. Seniors ⦿ Behavioral/Mental Health In-Service Training
⦿ Special Education Advisor ⦿ Educational-Mental Health Community Presentations
K-12 Academic Issues
Academic issues may crop up and circumstances are not always within your control. The goal at the end of the day is promotion to the next level at the HIGHEST level. Your child will thrive in a non-judgmental and nurturing environment. Access Success.