Project Description
Student Athletes-College and Career Options
Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! These are yours to make, and this is an exciting time. Decide whether you will begin your career entering the World of Work, as a College Freshman or as a Servicemen in the Armed Forces. There is nothing wrong with changing your mind, but the research must be done so you can see what your options look like. Let us guide you in the beginning stages, in formulating a plan, and then a Plan “B“.
Rigorous Courses
College Applications
Entrance Letters
Financial Aid Form (FAFSA)
Scholarships-Where Are They?
NCAA Eligibility
ACT/SAT Eligibility Scores for Athletes
Should you decide to go the college route as a student athlete, know that for coaches, your body of academic and character work begins in middle school! How you are off the field is oftentimes just as important as what you can do on the field. You would want to put yourself in a position to explore options, to be recruitable and most of all, to be coachable. You will still be required to score well on the American College Testing Program exam known as the ACT, (use link for more research) It is now the most popular college admissions standardized test in the U.S. and has a sliding score for athletes based on high school GPA (grade point average).
The Difference In Colleges:
Two Year
Four Year