Welcome to
Counseling, Tea and Therapy, PLLC
An Eastern N.C. Professional Counseling Private Practice
We are licensed by the N.C. Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors (NC BLCMHC) and Board Certified by the N.C. Board of National Certified Counselors (NCC) in Behavioral Mental Health and Professional Counseling. These pair nicely with certifications at the Masters level to provide Educational Consulting and Training to schools, community organizations, churches, student athletes, and College and Career Counseling to the populations in transition.
We are able to provide specialized care at an affordable rate by accepting insurance plans popular in N.C., and to members of the Armed Forces by offering moderate fees.
We are located in a small, quiet area with a comfortable and serene atmosphere. Counseling and therapeutic services provided here are confidential and highly personalized to meet your individual needs.
Educational Counseling, Consultation and Training is designed to help you and your emerging adults set attainable goals, prioritize tasks, and execute set plans. Competent and professional Counseling and Guidance is available to teens and parents throughout the K-8, 9-12 and college and career life spans.
Counseling, Tea and Therapy, PLLC
This is an invitation to a therapeutic relationship that we will build together as we go through the sometimes painful process of finding comfort in exposing and facing fears.
Welcome to
Counseling, Tea and Therapy, PLLC
An Eastern N.C. Professional Counseling Private Practice
We are licensed by the N.C. Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors (NC BLCMHC) and Board Certified by the N.C. Board of National Certified Counselors (NBCC) in Behavioral Mental Health and Professional Counseling. These pair nicely with certifications at the Masters level to provide Educational Consulting to schools, community organizations, churches, and College and Career Counseling to the K-12+ student population and parents.
We are able to provide specialized care at an affordable rate by accepting insurance plans popular in N.C., and to members of the Armed Forces by offering moderate fees.
We are located in a small, quiet area with a comfortable and serene atmosphere. Counseling and therapeutic services provided here are confidential and highly personalized to meet your individual needs.
Educational Counseling and Consultation is designed to help you and your emerging adults set attainable goals, prioritize tasks, and execute set plans. Competent and professional Counseling and Guidance is available to teens and parents throughout the K-8, 9-12 and college and career life spans.
Counseling, Tea and Therapy, PLLC
This is an invitation to a therapeutic relationship that we will build together as we go through the sometimes painful process of finding comfort in exposing and facing fears.

Who We Serve
Counseling is provided not only for those with mental health issues, but also for professional support with healthy decision-making. These decisions are often filled with importance due to the impact they may have on your future. With that in mind, we provide supportive consultative sessions that are individual, may be in a small group or may be with family or caregivers.
School-Based Therapy – working with students who would benefit from behavioral and mental health support while at school. School-Based therapy is authorized by parents and the school. Services will also be provided at the office.
Approaching major life decisions – What are your next steps? Graduating or not graduating; finding a job; going into the Armed Forces; I have a baby; these are all things that impact a young person’s life. Come to counseling and learn to make good decisions.
Opportunity – It will take more than talent. If your goal is to play at the next level, you’ve got to accept the academic challenge and learn to operate within the process. We can help–that scholarship has your name on it…Full Ride!
When It’s Time, You’ll Know – and it’s not too late. The seasoned worker offers value and an impressive array of skills. Yes, there will be obstacles, but any major career change at any age would. Let’s talk about pursuing that career change and focus on the capabilities.
LGBTQQIA+ – the door is open and you, they, them, their, she, he, her, him, hir, ze, zir, are not alone. Life can be overwhelming and difficult, especially when you are afraid to be who you are. We can begin the long journey together.
Local Advocates – we want to work within the community with agencies that provide services to children and families and others.
Psychotherapy for Adults, Children, Adolescents, Juveniles, and their Families or Caregivers
Psychoeducational Counseling and Consulting
College and Career Advising Sessions
⦿ ASVAB-Armed Force ⦿ ACT Exam ⦿ SAT Entrance Scale ⦿ Resume Writing and Cover Letters
Students and Student-Athlete Eligibility
⦿ NCAA Division Information ⦿ FAFSA Dates and Deadlines ⦿ Scholarships
Educational Consulting for Schools and Parents
⦿ Mini-Workshops for H.S. Seniors ⦿ Behavioral/Mental Health In-Service Community Trainings
⦿ Special Education Consultant ⦿ Educational-Mental Health Community Presentations

“What You Resist – Persists”
–Carl Jung
“Sons are the anchors of a mother’s life”
“You can observe a lot by watching.”
–Yogi Berra
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
–Maya Angelou
“In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety”
–Abraham Maslow
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will do”
–Alice In Wonderland
“The one who is not raised by the mother, is raised by the world”
–Dr. Charles Wairia
“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished”
–Benjamin Franklin
“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”
–Desiderius Erasmus
“Living one’s truth fosters emotional growth.”
–Gary Cordingly, MD